Music has always been a part of my life. I was reared in a family where singing around the piano was a favorite pastime. Several of my uncles played piano by ear and their repertoire included a lively tune they called "Hot Cabbage". My family gathers annually for a reunion and we always enjoy gospel singing on Saturday night. It's a warm time of fellowship when our relationships extend beyond brothers, sisters, moms, dads, sons, daughters, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, and nephews to brothers and sisters in Christ.
I'm generally referred to as a contralto as my singing voice is quite low. For many years this was a challenge as some believed that women should sing only soprano or alto. I was blessed to sing in a Texas church choir with a director who allowed me to sing tenor, and bass whenever I had bronchitis, with the men.
Then my hearing loss threw me a curve ball. I stopped singing publicly about 12 years ago after my husband nudged me one Sunday morning in church and told me that I was singing off key. You notice that I say "publicly". I still sang in the shower and in the garage (great acoustics). The dogs didn't howl or run for the doggy door, so I considered home a safe environment in which to sing.
I joined the church choir two years ago after Pastor D, our music director, promised that he would not hesitate to let me know if I had regressed to singing off-key and loud. As to the latter, my husband says I have one volume: LOUD! Since then, I've re-learned much of the music fundamentals I had forgotten and enjoy worshipping God through music. God has blessed so many in our church with musical talent, some vocally and others instrumentally, which they humbly present to the Lord as an offering of praise.
I am so looking forward to music practice tomorrow now that I have new hearing aids. If you see me sitting quietly with my eyes closed, do not think that I'm napping. I'll be soaking in the sound of music.
"Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness: come before His presence with singing." Psalm 100:1-2
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